
如何预防新冠病毒 英语积累

点击数:12672020-05-06 11:12:20 来源: 淄博巴布罗翻译有限公司


How can you can prevent it?

You may be able to reduce your risk of infection (感染) by avoiding people who are sick. Try to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Wash your hands often with soap and water and for at least 20 seconds.

Awareness is key. If you are sick and have reason to believe it may be the Wuhan coronavirus due to travel to the region or coming into contact with someone who has been there, you should let a health care provider know and seek treatment early.

Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and disinfect (消毒) the objects and surfaces you touch.

  • 可以通过避开病人来降低感染的风险。尽量避免触摸眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴。经常用肥皂洗手,每次洗手至少20秒的时间。

  • 预防意识是关键。如果你前往过武汉或与曾去过那里的人接触,有理由怀疑自己感染了武汉冠状病毒,应报告医疗机构并尽早寻求治疗。

  • 咳嗽或喷嚏时捂住口鼻,并对触摸的物体和表面进行消毒。

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